Clinical trials are designed to collect pivotal knowledge about investigational medications that may benefit future patients and current research participants. The trials are designed to assess both the safety and effectiveness of a product and are conducted under rigorous U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) guidelines. Prescription and over-the-counter (OTC) medications have been through clinical trials. Information or data gathered during a study is reviewed by the pharmaceutical company to support any claim of safety and/or effectiveness. That data is then submitted to the FDA, which reviews the data and approves or denies a new drug to be available by prescription or OTC use.
By participating, you may contribute to the healthcare of tomorrow and take a step towards improving and educating yourself about your own health. You may have a positive impact on the health of millions — perhaps even your own friends and loved ones. Research studies can allow you access to medical options and medications not available through any other means. Generally, all study procedures, doctor visits, and study medications are at no cost to you and financial compensation is available for your time and travel expenses. Additional financial compensation may be available to qualified volunteers. You do not need health insurance in order to participate.
The safety of our participants is of the utmost importance and our clinical research studies are conducted according to strict U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) guidelines.
We not only welcome repeat volunteers, we have counted on them for many successful clinical trials. As long as you meet the requirements outlined for a particular study, you can participate in as many as you’d like. We just ask that you participate in only one at a time.
Each research study has specific requirements that must be met for you to qualify. If you don’t happen to meet the requirements for a particular trial, don’t worry! This is common given the specific nature of the requirements. New opportunities become available frequently. You can always check our website for available studies or simply sign up to be kept informed about the new studies WH Research is conducting that match your search terms. We value every potential patient volunteer and will work to help you find a clinical trial right for you.
• What is the purpose of the trial?
• How can I involve my family doctor in the care I receive?
• Is the new study drug FDA-approved for any other conditions?
• Why do some studies use a placebo (an inactive product that looks like the study drug)?
• Can I take my regular medications while I’m involved in a study?
• Will the study cost me anything?
• What happens if I have a problem while I’m enrolled in a study?
• What if I decide that the study is no longer in my best interest?
• How can I get my family and friends involved in a study?