Wilmington Health recognizes the importance of support groups in the management of a disease. In addition, support groups assist in helping one cope with the everyday stress of chronic illnesses. A list of support groups in our area include:
Disease/Illness Specific Support Groups
ALS Support Group (ALSNC) – Currently Telephone/Online Meeting. To join virtual meeting: From your computer, tablet or smartphone, go to https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/276411845 and enter Access Code: 276-411-845. OR You can join by phone only: dial 224-501-3412. There is no cost to participate. For more information, please click here.
Meets: 3rd Thursday of each month
Contact: Joseph Peters, LCSW – jpeters@alsnc.org
Crohn’s & Colitis Support Group (Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation of America) – Contact Carol Shannon for phone or virtual meeting information. There is no cost to participate. For more information places click here.
Meets: 2nd Tuesday of each month
Contact: Carol Shannon – 704-264-0587 or carolinas@crohnscolitisfoundation.org
Huntington’s Disease Support Groups (Huntington’s Disease Society of America) – Multiple support groups are available for caregivers and patients. These support groups are free to join. There is limited space available so please register early on this website. To register for a group please click join now or log in if you already have an account.
Lupus Support Group (Lupus Foundation of America) – This is a virtual support group for people with Lupus. You may also go to the Facebook page Wilmington Area Lupus Support Group.
Meets: 3rd Saturday of each month
Contact: Tammy Scott – 910-685-6555 or wilmingtonlupusgroup@gmail.com
Thyroid Cancer Support (ThyCa): Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association – The Wilmington, NC support Group is currently providing support via phone and e-mail. A group will be started based on interest and need once COVID restrictions lift. For more information, please click here.
Contact: Wilmington-nc@thyca.org
Care Planning Support
Dementia Caregiver Support Group (Amedisys) – The number of patients suffering from Alzheimer’s and other dementias increases every year, and we know that it can be difficult to manage symptoms of those with progressive mental decline. People caring for loved ones often neglect their own physical and emotional needs. This support group offers time and a safe space to talk about the challenges brought on by caregiving. Participants share tips and ideas on what does work in managing the day-to-day struggles associated with each stage of dementia. No one should feel like they are doing this alone.
Meets: Monthly in Hampstead
Contact: Erin Dollard 910-712-4652 or erin.dollard@amedisys.com.
Emotional & Grief Support (Amedisys) – Amedisys recognizes that our communities are living in unprecedented times and may be struggling with a variety of emotions brought on by COVID-19. Their trained team of professionals, including Social Workers, Chaplains and Bereavement Coordinators are able to use their experience and education to provide emotional and grief support, helping individuals navigate through the losses brought on by this pandemic. They also provide support through End-Stage Dementia and We Honor Veterans Programs. For more information, please click here.
Contact: 855-809-0997
Grief Support Groups & Workshops (Lower Cape Fear Life Care) – Grieving is a difficult and heart-wrenching process. You don’t have to go through it alone; we are here to help. Whether your family was served by Lower Cape Fear LifeCare or not, we offer extensive bereavement services, cost-free support groups and Healing Arts workshops, and programs for adults and children to provide the resources you need during this challenging time. For more information, please click here.
Contact: 910-796-7991 or info@lcfh.org
Home Care & Hospice Support (Liberty Home Care & Hospice) – Liberty Home Care and Hospice Services offers: Skilled Home Care, Palliative and Hospice Services throughout All of North Carolina. In person support groups will meet on the Brightmore Campus once COVID restrictions are lifted. For more information, please click here.
Contact: 800-999-9883
Mental Health Support Groups
Anxiety Management Support Groups for Adults (Madewell Center for Wholeness) – This group is designed to facilitate quick learning and processing about daily/weekly stressors to learn how to cope through them more effectively. This group is available virtually or in-person. A fee is required but is typically billable through health insurance. For more information, please click here.
Meets: Mondays at 6:00 – 7:00 pm
Contact: Buffy Andrews 910-240-4473 or info@madewellcenter.org
Bariatric Recovery Group (Chrysalis Center for Counseling & Eating Disorder Treatment) – This group welcomes post-op weight loss surgery patients struggling with any form of addiction or substance use, including re-emergence of food addiction. The goal is to improve compliance, break the addictive cycle, and form a personal support network of others with similar struggles. Topics include the stages of recovery, developing alternatives to compulsive behaviors and negative coping, effective stress management, regulating emotions, and preventing relapse. A fee is required but is typically billable through health insurance. For more information, please click here.
Meets: Biweekly on Tuesdays 5:30-7:00 pm
Contact: 910-790-9500 or administration@chrysaliscenter-nc.com
Bari-Vets Group (Chrysalis Center for Counseling & Eating Disorder Treatment) – This group is offered for patients who are at least 18 months post-op weight loss surgery and are done losing weight. Maintaining motivation, self-care, appetite awareness, mindful eating, combating emotional eating, and dealing with relapses are commonly addressed. A fee is required but is typically billable through health insurance. For more information, please click here.
Meets: Biweekly on Tuesdays 5:30 – 7:00 pm
Contact: 910-790-9500 or administration@chrysaliscenter-nc.com
Fertility Support Group (Inner Solutions Counseling Center) – This is a support group for singles or couples currently dealing with fertility challenges. No fee is required for this group. For more information, click here.
Meets: once per month
Contact: Windy Ezzell, LCMHC 910-256-3784 or windy@innersolutionscounseling.com
Men’s Support Group (Stillpoint Counseling & Wellness) – Stress is something that everyone experiences at some point. Especially if you are a busy, functioning adult with multiple responsibilities. Men are no exception to this. We experience stress related to work, life changes, relationships, and even family, as much as we love them. We all manage our stress in different ways. The problem is when it’s not managed. Unmanaged chronic stress can lead to anger, relationship issues, family discord, and even anxiety or depression. The best way to make sure that you can take care of everyone else is to take care of yourself first. Group members should expect to participate in conversation to the extent that they feel comfortable, provide feedback for other group members, and learn and practice effective strategies for managing stress.
Meets: Biweekly on Mondays 5:30-7:00 PM
Contact: 910-769-6360 or info@stillpointcounselingandwellness.com
Mother’s Support Group: We’re All in This Together (Inner Solutions Counseling Center) – This group is designed to be a resource for mothers who are experiencing challenges related to motherhood. These challenges can encompass adjusting to motherhood, parenting, marriage/relationship issues, etc. No fee is required for this group. For more information click here.
Meets: Weekly
Contact: Heily Aktuglu-McGowan 910-352-7469 or heilymcgowan@gmail.com
Relapse Prevention (Wilmington Mental Health) – If you recently completed residential treatment or rehab, this group will help you continue the ongoing process that recovery represents. At WMH be believe that the longer you stay engaged in your recovery, while participating in aftercare of ongoing treatment, the more likely you are to achieve positive results in your recovery. The group will also help you develop accountability, consistency, problem solving skills, healthy habits, and a sense of belonging. This group meets weekly and follows CBT and 12-step components. This group is $40 per session.
Meets: Wednesdays at 6:30 pm
Contact: Joseph Rengifo, groups@wmhwc.com or 910-777-5575
Staying Open About Recovery (SOAR) Group (Chrysalis Center for Counseling & Eating Disorder Treatment) – This group focuses on eating disorder recovery and the challenges it presents. Improving healthy body image, increasing self-esteem, overcoming distorted thoughts and maladaptive coping, and preventing relapse are key components of the curriculum. Because recovery is an ongoing process, the support of others walking the same path is essential to forward growth and progress in living a life free of eating disordered thoughts and behaviors. A fee is required but is typically billable through health insurance. For more information, please click here.
Meets: Biweekly on Tuesdays 5:30 – 7:00 pm
Contact: 910-790-9500 or administration@chrysaliscenter-nc.com
The Empowered Mama (Stephanie Vlad, LPA) – This is a support group for motherhood. On top of receiving support, we will focus on learning the symptoms that commonly present following the birth of a child and may continue over the years, as well as distinguishing between “baby blues” and Postpartum Depression, Anxiety, OCD, and Bipolar Disorder. A fee is required but is typically billable through health insurance. For more information, please click here.
Meets: 1st Monday of each month
Contact: Stephanie Vlad, LPA 910-530-0526 or stephanievlad@outlook.com
Wilmington Anxiety Group: Why Do I Worry So Much? (Wilmington Mental Health) – This group is designed for individuals who struggle with anxiety regularly and want to learn how to manage their symptoms effectively. The program combines psychoeducation and therapeutic approaches to help participants build awareness and understand, and learn strategies and techniques to cope with worries and rumination. Each session is focused on providing participants with specific skills to help themselves feel better, cope with, and manage their difficulties and decrease the risk of future relapse. Handouts and other materials are provided free of cost. This group is $35 per session.
Meets: Thursdays at 6:00 pm
Contact: Sarah Mooring groups@wmhwc.com or 910-777-5575
Women’s Mental Health Support Group (Wilmington Mental Health) – A support group for like-minded women to find companionship, encouragement, and togetherness for all of life’s stressors, ranging from home life, career, relationships, family, finances, friendships, and mental health. The cost for this group is $15 per session. For more information, please click here.
Meets: Weekly on Mondays 6:30-7:30 PM
Contact: 910-777-5575